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The M&M fun ship – {part 49}

October 4, 2012

There are only a few aspects left to do on the fun ship.   There are the life preservers,  the stereo equipment and furniture,  get the umbrellas in place,  and then put the characters on board……..yes…….the umbrellas!   I think you saw them in the last build log.   Another suggestion came to me yesterday afternoon.

The fellow who gave it to me works on ships for a living…….he is also an avid modeler,  and has a build going on as well.    He mentioned that he just put his ship {real one} up for the winter,  and was going to spend some time on his build, seeing that this will give him a few weeks off.   He no sooner got back to it,  when he got a call that he has to report to another ship,  cutting his mini vacation short.   He was bummed out……rightly so…….!   He had made the suggestion about windshield wipers………the windows are large enough……..the scale is right…….why not!   Perhaps I can cheer him up.

It wasn’t hard to come up with the concept for them…….couple eye bolts,  some brass rod…….no problem!

Cutting some thin strips of brass,  they were cemented on the rods,  after they were cut to length.   I had posted back,  asking about how they were positioned on the ship…….whether they were located on the top or bottom.

I just went ahead and drilled the holes at the top……I hope I am right!   The wiper blades were painted black and set aside to dry.   In the meantime,  he posted back…….I am relieved to say I was correct!

Ms. Green just would not leave the earlier concept of the DJ booth alone.   She set up shop,  waiting for the ship to be finished.   She is just as impatient as my wife…………she’s getting angry at me…….I keep taking up these suggestions and running with them.

I had to tell her that the booth wasn’t going to be used.   Perhaps I should send it to the Peanuts gang…….I’m sure Lucy would like a new booth 🙂     To settle the confusion,  I set to work making another booth.   I didn’t bother to measure anything…….I just threw it together.

Here is a shot with the umbrellas in place.

I painted the front of the booth and cut out the rest of the M&M decals.

The front is green…….the back is light gray.

The top is painted a chocolate brown.   I did a dry fit……one of many,  to make sure that it would fit against the post and under the top rail.

I also did a dry fit of the wipers……..I wanted to post them as soon as possible, so Andy could see them before he left.   I wanted to know the preferred way to position them.

Both of these ways are good,  but he told me the best way…….I’ll have that in the next build log.   Meanwhile,   the decals were applied to the booth and dry fitted soon after.

I had also begun the assembly of the life preservers and the stereo.   Now I know that this would not be the perfect setup for the stereo and speakers…… just bear with me and keep in mind that this is M&M land…….anything is possible!

The life preservers were painted red……base color.   The main components of the stereo was assembled next.

The other two records were cemented in place on the booth top.   Off in the corner,  the second phase of paint has occurred with the life preservers.

In the next build log,   they will be touched up and the rope will be cemented on.   Then the stereo equipment can be finished off and located in place.


From → build log

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